
the UKs first digital GP assistant
"With an increasingly strained workforce, GPs are overwhelmed with the tasks and actions for the patients they look after...
...they need a hand..
the GP digital assistant intelligently reads the patients medical record and gives actions directly to the patient saving GP time and resource"
- Dr Shammy Noor, GP, CEO and co-founder

GPs are too busy to personally intervene in every patient pathway
....pocketGP will do the work of the clinician by delivering the action directly to the patient...

Relieve practice workload
Ensure no test or review gets missed
Make prescribing safe and effective
Empower every patient to be proactive
Consult thoroughly and in time
pocketGP is
On NHS England IM1 approved supplier list
Integrated to EMIS / SystmOne / Vision

Integrated to NHS login

Compliant with DCB health IT regulation

Compliant with GDPR, NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit
Data never leaves UK

Works for any patient with NHS App

What can a digital assistant do?

Future possibilities
We are at the dawn of a new age of the ability of AI to help with tasks that have traditionally taken a huge toll on human resource.
The digital GP assistant of the near future will harness the power of AI to improve the workflow of GPs allowing them to concentrate on patient care.
founders supported by

Benefits for General Practice
We work in an environment where GPs are expected to do more in a shorter time and within a tighter budget. GPs will never let patients down, so consultations take longer and waiting times increase.
Pocket GP can do many of the things we know are really good for patient care & clinical safety but don't have the time for in a 10 minute consultation.
Pocket GP can fundamentally change the way long term conditions are delivered by the practice saving precious time and human resource whilst achieving population targets such as QOF. Pocket GP will constantly provide patients with the most up to date care and guidance based on nationally approved guidelines.
Every practice will have full control over their own patients health home page contents, so they can manage their own patients in a way which fits the practice.
Benefits for Patients
Most of us use technology and apps for many aspects of life including shopping, banking and social networking. These innovations have made a huge difference to people. Things that once took a day can now be done in seconds on a phone. Healthcare provision should be no different.
Patients want to be able to use their phones to get their personal heath data and want to be able to self manage their own long term conditions. Many people search in an unfiltered way on Google which gives them huge quantities of material but is not personal to them. By using Pocket GP, only the relevant and important material is shown.
Also, patients can conduct reviews, such as medicine or asthma reviews, online to be sent back to their GP - without having to attend the practice. For many people this is much more convenient.

Benefits for Systems
Patients with long term conditions who are medically well managed stay well for longer. By staying well, they develop fewer complications and need less urgent non-elective care.
Diabetes alone costs the NHS approximately 10 billions pounds per year. This is only one long term condition.
Most of this cost is through complications. Complications are less common in patients with well controlled illness. Well information patients are well managed patients.
Furthermore, the time cost in appointments, both in general practice and in secondary care is huge. Often times, the purpose of the appointment could have been addressed through an app.
Medicines are a huge cost burden to the NHS. Pocket GP will be able to monitor medicines usage, stockpiling and safety.